
Scenes will be performed by The Icelandic Amateur Symphony and Guðrún Másdóttir, oboe, conducted by Oliver Kentish, at Seltjarnarneskirkja on the 10. of February 2013.

Christmas Oratorio

Christmas Oratorio will be premiered by Schola cantorum, chamber choir, Caput ensemble, Kirstín Erna Blöndal, soprano and Jóhann Smári Sævarsson, bass, conducted by Hörður Áskelsson, at Hallgrímskirkja on the 2. of December 2012.


Scenes will be performed by Eydís Franzdóttir, oboe and the Pi-Kap String Quartet in Prague, Czech Republic, on the 16. of June and in Bayreuth, Germany, on the 24. of June 2012.

Stabat Mater

Stabat Mater will be premiered by Schola Vincentiana, chamber choir and Pamela De Sensi, alto flute, conducted by Filippo Furlan, in St. Vincent Church in Vicenza, Italy, on the 31. of March 2012.


Red Theater Curtain
Scenes will be premiered January 28th, by Eydís Franzdóttir, oboe and Dísurnar string quartet at the Dark Music Days festival 2012 in Reykjavík.

Missa Pacis

hljomeykiminni2Missa Pacis will be performed by Hljómeyki, chamber choir, Sigurður Halldórsson, cello, Steingrímur Þórhallsson, organ, and Frank Aarnink, percussion, conducted by Magnús Ragnarsson, on the 28. of January at the Dark Music Days festival in Reykjavík 2011.

Þeir hringdu hljómþungum klukkum


Sigurður was commissioned to compose the National Radio of Iceland Christmas song 2010. The song will be performed by The Motet Choir of Hallgrímskirkja, Björn Steinar Sólbergsson, organ and conducted by Hörður Áskelsson, on the 20. of December, on Radio One.

Hallgrímspassía out on cd

The oratorio Hallgrímspassía is now available on cd. To order a copy please send e-mail to for information.

Hallgrímspassía er komin út á geisladiski.

Söluaðilar: Hallgrímskirkja, Skífan, 12 Tónar, Kirkjuhúsið, Smekkleysa, Mál og Menning og Iða. Eymundsson verslanirnar í Reykjavík, Reykjanesbæ, Ísafirði, Akureyri og í Smáralind. Nettó og Hljómval í Reykjanesbæ.

Einnig er hægt að panta diskinn hér, vinsamlegast sendið þá tölvupóst á og við sendum upplýsingarnar um hæl.

Ubi caritas


Libera Cantoria Pisani, chamber choir conducted by Filippo Furlan, will perform Ubi caritas at the Skálholt Summer Concerts on the 7. of August 2010.

Missa Pacis


Sigurður will be composer in residence at the Skálholt Summer Concerts 2010  His composition, Missa Pacis, will be premiered July 10th by Hljómeyki, chamber choir, Sigurður Halldórsson, cello, Steingrímur Þórhallsson, organ, Frank Aarnink, percussion and conducted by Magnús Ragnarsson.



Hallgrímspassía will be performed at The Festival of Sacred Arts 2010 in Hallgrímskirkja church on Good Friday at 5 pm

Schola cantorum and CAPUT chamber orchestra. Conductor: Hörður Áskelsson

Soloists: Jóhann Smári Sævarsson, bass, as Hallgrímur Pétursson, Pílatus: Benedikt Ingólfsson, barítone,Jesus: Hafsteinn Þórólfsson, barítone, Guðrún Edda Gunnarsdóttir, alt, Judas: Guðmundur Vignir Karlsson, tenor, Kaífas: Örn Arnarsson, tenor.

Based on Hymns of Passion by Icelandic priest and poet, Hallgrímur Pétursson.



Hel, opera in two acts based on the novel Hel by Sigurður Nordal, will be premiered at the Icelandic Opera on the 23. of Mai 2009.