

(2009) opera in two acts (90 min.)

Una: sopran, Álfur: baritone, Skuggi: bass and choir: S.A.T.B

Scored for piano and chamber orchestra

Based on the novel Hel by Sigurður Nordal (1886-1974)

Premiered in 2009 at the Icelandic Opera

Hel, Ûpera eftir Sigur SÊvarsson

The young man Álfur leaves his happy life with Una to fulfill his need for freedom. He travels from one place to another and lives fast. He drinks, gambles and chases women. With him travels his trusty manservant Skuggi. They meet one beautiful woman after another and Álfur always goes through the same stages from being incredibly smitten to being completely cold towards them and leaving them heartbroken. Skuggi tries to get Álfur to change his wicked ways but Álfur won’t listen.
When Skuggi realizes he won’t be able to help Álfur who is on a fast track to his doom, Skuggi has no choice but to leave him to go and live his own life. Álfur, left on his own, finally starts doubting his way of living. This doubt grows until Álfur understands that he has wasted his life. He is left with nothing. Nothing but a line of memories that in themselves mean nothing.
Álfur is tormented by his failure until he is granted aid from the goddess HEL in the form of loss of memory.

Hel, Ûpera eftir Sigur SÊvarsson

Every note is born in the words.  The music is only a scenario for the words.

Sigurður Sævarsson on the music of Hel

Hel, Ûpera eftir Sigur SÊvarsson

Hel, Ûpera eftir Sigur SÊvarsson

Hel, Ûpera eftir Sigur SÊvarsson

Hel, Ûpera eftir Sigur SÊvarsson

Hel, Ûpera eftir Sigur SÊvarsson

Hel, Ûpera eftir Sigur SÊvarsson




Hel, Ûpera eftir Sigur SÊvarsson